Hey there! I am a queer UX/UI designer and photographer making solutions for social good, tech companies, and small businesses alike!

How does being queer inform your work?

To me, it means pushing the boundaries. I look a lot at queer art and culture to inform the new things I can try and push the door open to the other side that holds something different.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

To me, it is queer zines. There was so much energy during the boom queer zine culture of people trying new things. People peeling back layers of the culture in a visual way. These folks hardly had anything too! The DIY nature of it showed that good design and art can be done with next to nothing.

Which other queer people inspire you?

Everyday queer people, above all else. I think queer celebrity is important. It helps us be more seen and it helps tell our perspectives from people actually like us. When it comes down to it though, the stories that inspire me most and stories I connect with most are from people that I could be standing next to on the bus. I hold people like that dear to me.