I'm bisexual and bigender, but I prefer queer. I'm a graphic designer who is learning UX/UI Design, and writes fiction on the side.

How does being queer inform your work?

For products, I tend to avoid gender stereotyping. Unless I'm trying to make a point or something. Otherwise, my work is usually inspired by queer history and culture, and I also like to add in little queer easter eggs whenever I can.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

My personal favorite is the Gilbert Baker font, a colorful typeface named after the designer of the first pride flag. You can learn more about it, and download it for free at typewithpride.com

Which other queer people inspire you?

I find myself being inspired by queer YouTubers, especially those that talk about queer history, culture, and media. My personal favorites are Jessie Gender, Pushing Up Roses, and Rowan Ellis.