How does being queer inform your work?

Being apart of the queer community brings on unique challenges and obstacles in every day life, but it also allows for an extremely important perspective that I wouldn't trade for anything. A pillar of great design work is equality, making sure all audiences are treated fairly and given the best experience possible.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

Probably overhyped at this point, but a staple for queer visual expression has been Drag Race. This show has brought an entirely new group of people into the brilliance and talent of queer individuals and how important it is for all people to see representation and feel safe to produce their most passionate works of art.

Which other queer people inspire you?

Chris Rhodes, Co-Owner of FLAVNT Streetwear, has been an incredibly influential queer designer in my life. Based in my home state of Texas and getting to watch his company grow just as I was beginning my transition, it gave me hope that regardless of my identity I could succeed at what I am passionate about.