Full-time interaction design student. I'm actively job hunting for remote UX/UI, data visualization, and projection mapping opportunities.

How does being queer inform your work?

Being queer is a superpower. Our community has so much strength. We all lift each other when we are down. The artwork that I have seen inspires me every day.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

Hands down, Tom of Finland.*This question is grammatically incorrect.*

Which other queer people inspire you?

I recently met Sean Meredith at Track_16_DTLA, who is showcasing über talented artists Clifford Prince King (@cliffordprinceking) and Rakeem Cunningham (@rakeemc). Historically, Keith Haring, Jasper Johns, and Andy Warhol. Locally, and not so locally, Dan Rhatigan and Jeremy Lucido.