How does being queer inform your work?

Being queer informs every aspect of my work, from being extra passionate about the research that goes into design (what peoples and histories does it represent and recognize?) to informing what creative resources I find inspiration from when working (my own life, those around me, queer historical stories).

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

My favorite piece of queer visual culture is the history of the color lavender in queer design! Starting in 1929, Cole Porter insinuated queer identity by having a "dash of lavender" in his song "I'm a Gigolo." Later the color was used in "Gay is Good" and "Equality for Homosexuals" buttons. And when the leader of the National Organization for Women called the lesbians of the women's movement the "lavender menace," they took that meant-to-be-pejorative term and turned it into t shirts for their then-born Radicalesbians group. I think that's awesome and fascinating!

Which other queer people inspire you?

Tash Sultana and Lil Nas X inspire me.