How does being queer inform your work?

Oh I’m not sure, actually! I guess some of my designs have feminine qualities, which could be relevant as a trans woman. I’ve noticed that in my typeface/lettering presentations, I often go for purple. I don’t know. I guess this isn’t necessarily queer or gendered.I will say though that since my transition, I feel a lot more free in my self-expression, whether it’s color choice or use of emojis.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

The typefaces and lettering queer people produce!

Which other queer people inspire you?

In terms of design, I really enjoy the work of Ando (Daytona Mess), Laura E García, Pat Marcoux (Chic Type Foundry), Robin Mientjes (Tiny Type Co.), Will Schuster (Queer Fonts), and Sophia Tai (Sophia Type Love). Probably more! I don’t necessarily know whether the designers who inspire me are queer.

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