i am a Nigerian-American aspiring art director and current MICA graduate student pursuing publication design and photography.

How does being queer inform your work?

To me, justice is the act of restoring what has been taken away while creating what we have been taught to believe could never exist in the first place and art does exactly this. Art challenges us to imagine and create a world that is more inclusive and limitless than it was the day before. Thus, as a queer Nigerian-American women whose existence is possible because of others fighting for my liberation, I aim to make content that further pushes for the liberation of all people. I want to make content that centers and uplifts lgbtqia+ folx of color, celebrates immigrants, and empowers everyone to share their truth.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

drag queens being loved on by queer folx in queer spaces and not tokenized for straight consumption

Which other queer people inspire you?

Jade Fox, Indya Moore, Rachel Cargle, Lauren Jauregui