How does being queer inform your work?

Being queer fuels my creativity, driving me to explore diverse perspectives and challenge norms. It inspires me to design boldly and truly consider what identity means for me and anyone seeking self-discovery.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

Design for liberation.One unforgettable influence on my thesis* project was the "Silence=Death" poster. This AIDS activism symbol with a pink triangle demands visibility, action, and fights stigma for queer people.*An online platform for Queer people with mental health challenges creating a podcast series sharing their stories of resilience and hope.

Which other queer people inspire you?

01. Daniel Quasar02. Tammy Rae Carland 03. Almodovars work through filmaking 04. Kingsley Gbadegesin05. Robyn Kanner06. Fio Gonçalves07. Zanele Muholi08. Jonathan Yoc09. Poppy Marriot