Hey 👋 I'm Hayley, a designer & strategist working on shifting to product design, and I'm an NB lesbian!

How does being queer inform your work?

I'm currently working primarily with helping other queer people build their own businesses through branding and Instagram strategy. I used to keep my identity out of my work, believing it was keeping me from booking clients, but I'm working on slowly letting myself show more of my identity and letting it inform my work. :)

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

I used to go to an art school where my entire close circle was queer, and I loved the work we did and the initiatives we took on to build up the culture and community. I've gotten away from it as I went on to another school and set my identity to the side and away from my work. I don't have any favourites right now, but I'm working on getting myself up to date on what I've missed out on and learning more about where the visual culture is heading!

Which other queer people inspire you?

More widely known queer people would definitely be Elliot Page, Lynn Gunn, & Fran Tirado. On a smaller scale, with design + art friends: Reed Sacharoff, Linus Rogge, Sam Brandao, and everybody I follow on Twitter.