Mat Merritt




Pacific Northwest, USA

I am currently an artist/illustrator but I am taking courses to become a UI/UX designer

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How does being queer inform your work?

Being a part of a marginalized minority connects me to other diverse minority communities who are severely underepresented in UI/UX design and beyond.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

Is it too basic to say Keith Herring? I think the form language and visual communication he used remains unmatched. The way his work evokes emotion and illustrates experiences with simple lines and shapes is awe-inspiring.

Which other queer people inspire you?

The power and kindness of queer communities as a whole is the most inspiring thing to me. We can all create amazing things on our own, but the way we come together with a deep sense of empathy that drives collaboration creates work that is a phenominal sum of queer brilliance.