As a versatile marketer, I specialize in crafting results-driven campaigns through strategy, creative direction, & social media management.

How does being queer inform your work?

Embracing one's identity, especially an identity mistreated by society unjustly, involves a lifelong journey of self-discovery and acceptance. For me, that process has led to a deeper sense of what it means to be my authentic self. It's a daily choice to wear those hater shades and choose to love the parts of yourself society decided are undesirable, when they actually make us unique and amazing!Once you've realized all these unjustified and violent norms are created and upheld by society, but can also be destroyed by communities, it's only natural to dream about that freedom. Despite the efforts to suppress our imaginations, I constantly envision another world. This willingness to push boundaries has led to richer, more authentic creative expressions. All because I’m gay? Wow, amazing! TYSM for gay genes fam!

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

Recently, I felt so inspired watching the 2024 film, Love Lies Bleeding, directed by Rose Glass starring Kristen Stewart and Katy O’Bryan. This was one of the first times I saw queer cinema with a storyline about two queer characters without those identities and the struggles associated with them taking up all the screen time. There is more to queer people than their struggles in a violently heteronormative world, sometimes we have other more pressing issues at hand! Plus, who doesn’t love strong and powerful women like Katy O’Brian throwing around a little twink lesbian like Kristen Steward?

Which other queer people inspire you?

My community is full of incredible people that inspire me to keep going and to live for another day. Beyond my circle, I will always be inspired by the queers who are throwing those bricks, rocks, and molotov cocktails.

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