Nonbinary product designer from western NC. Loves design systems, zines, plants. Fell in love with Photoshop at 12 and it messed me up.

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How does being queer inform your work?

Because of my background, I don't back down from things I see as ethically dubious. I stand up to authority when my coworkers don't and for topics others aren't concerned with, due to ignorance of the needs of marginalized demographics for example. At the same time, my copywriting comes out robotic sometimes because I worry about using my voice. I must constantly tone switch between coworkers, clients, those I feel comfortable enough to be out to. I was outed by a well-meaning coworker early into my job and I was trying to really overperform for a while to "prove my worth".

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

I'm really into queer comics and indie comics in general– there are several icons in that realm that come to mind first... I feel weird giving them shoutouts bc I don't know who's reading this lol. But ah, I also think about Keith Haring and how much my childhood was surrounded by his art, and so mad about how late in life I found out he was so important in our community.

Which other queer people inspire you?

All of em! All of my queer friends especially, but meeting new people in our community always leads to me learning and experiencing new things and just being in awe of how amazing and interesting each of us is.

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