I am a non-binary designer and musician. I enjoy designing posters, album covers, collages, and anything funky or alternative in nature.

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How does being queer inform your work?

My queerness informs all areas of my work. As my work is inherently inspired by my experiences, and my style is designed by my background, my identity as a queer, transgender person is inherently interwoven into my designs.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

Something as simple as pride flags is one of my favorite pieces of queer visual culture. Simply adding a rainbow to a design makes it instantly perceived as queer. Designing in the colors of any flag instantly attracts people of that identity. It is both an obvious and a subtle way to signal queerness in the visual arts.

Which other queer people inspire you?

I am heavily inspired by queer musicians and performers for all of my work. Alex Newell, Destroy Boys, boygenius, and Dazey and the Scouts are some artists and bands that I draw upon for inspiration regularly. Of course, to date back to historically inspirational queer people, I am inspired by Keith Haring, Frida Kahlo, and Georgia O'Keeffe.