I am a designer and illustrator based in the Bay Area. I find so much joy in creating through graphic/brand design and digital illustration.

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How does being queer inform your work?

I am consistently paying attention to creating a diverse experience when designing (and especially when I'm drawing). I definitely draw from a queer lens, but through that lens I still try to empathize with other experiences and people.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

The classically overt Georgia O'Keeffe will forever be and iconic fine artist who inspires my artwork.

Which other queer people inspire you?

The first person I think of is one of my old mentors (and former boss), Marisa Velázquez - Rivas. Her style is iconic and her work is constantly evolving. Her passion for the LGBTQIA+ community, the POC community, and every intersection between the two is extremely inspirational. I am constantly inspired by my own community of queer people and friends. I value their friendship and solidarity above everything else. They inspire me to create and be authentically myself. I would be absolutely remiss to mention my partner. Though she isn't in a creative field, her never ending support, consistent reliability, and unwavering love inspires me to grow, thrive, and spread joy.