How does being queer inform your work?

My identity inherently makes me a minority, so I always design with accessibility in mind. Me straddling the line between so many groups of people has also made me more aware of struggles and strengths each group deals with, and so I have found my place is really as a middle-man to communicate between others and help amplify other marginalized voices.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

I honestly can't pinpoint one specific case– I have the luxury of living in Los Angeles and constantly being surrounded by incredible queer creatives, and with the internet becoming more and more of a safe space for queer folks, I get to scroll through an endless amount of work.

Which other queer people inspire you?

The queer people that I work with! We're a smaller company, but I know a few that are out/out to me and it's so empowering to get to work with them. They help create a wholesome and safe space that makes me comfortable enough to come out to them, and not having to hide is a gift.