Hey there! I have fallen in love with illustration and ui/ux. Through design, I'm hoping to be bold and find my unique voice.

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How does being queer inform your work?

I'm hoping to discover that. The challenge is: How can I be myself, but not fall into a trap of being repetitive or not saying anything different? I think just being consistent and true to myself will help guide that process.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

I want to see where queer film is headed. So, other areas and avenues of art would be great. Not only is representation important, it shapes the culture fully.

Which other queer people inspire you?

My list of queer visual artists is still growing, so ask me in a year from now. Lol. I will say that music plays a big part in my life. Frank Ocean took me by storm with his album releases but also the artistry in his videos. I also admire Syd from The Internet, she reminded me of myself. It was important to me that she was loved and seen at a time when I thought I couldn't be loved or seen.