Hi, I'm Chere (rhymes with pear!) I'm a queer UI/UX/Graphic designer & photographer. I enjoy working with start-up and for-purpose orgs 🌈

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How does being queer inform your work?

I'm queer, neurodivergent and come from a culturally diverse / diaspora background - these sites of marginalization have helped me find meaningful community, and bring a deep intersectional lens to my work approach.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

How we can celebrate what isn't conventionally celebrated or showcased! Sometimes subtly, and sometimes boldly.

Which other queer people inspire you?

So many, but in particular Arnold Lobel, the author / illustrator of the Frog and Toad picture books. I am so glad he found a way to share his story with tenderness, despite the time he lived in.