How does being queer inform your work?

It sometimes presents in obvious way (i.e. depictions of men being gay) but often I think of queerness as being open to difference and of unconventional approaches, and also of unmitigated freedom to be yourself, and the joy that comes with it–and all of those attributes are strongly represented in my work.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

Probably Arca's Prada/Rakata music video. Still gives me chills when I watch–and I'd be gagged/delighted to turn the corner in an art museum and be greeted with her insane, techno-mystical contraptions:

Which other queer people inspire you?

Lots! Jack HalberstamAlan TuringCAConradSusan Sontag Maggie Nelson Hari NefElliot Page (his original coming out speech at a HRCF event was part of what inspired me to come out myself)Lots of drag queens (I tend to like the weirder ones) <3All my trans friends almost are always inspiring me with their resilience and strength. <3 All the queer little art babies that live in my phone and I get to be inspired by their work on social media <3