Product designer and creative director in Chicago. I love asking why and have an active imagination. Obsessed with my cats, cooking & Target

How does being queer inform your work?

I value the input of diverse perspectives and how that input makes for better products. I think being queer pushes me to challenge the norm in situations and not take things at face value.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

For sure drag, but also how gay people decorate their homes. I have yet to meet a gay man that is not a maximalist when it comes to tchotchkes. I could be projecting though ...

Which other queer people inspire you?

My guilty pleasure is "Nate & Jeremiah By Design" because it hits on my love of interior decorating and rennovation while also representing a loving gay relationship. Oh and the children are adorable and give me some goals for when I graduate from cat dad.