How does being queer inform your work?

I think outside of traditional frameworks. I like to think I am more likely to NOT make gender/identity/ability-based generalizations, and this conscious practice informs the final product to be inclusive and accessible.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

Berry Jenkins's Moonlight truly made a cultural impact thematically and visually. I think the way color was used in that film became a staple into 2022 - the Blues and Reds. The deep contrast, gradients - I don't know if the movie alone made these waves - but I definitely think it contributed to recent aesthetics! The emotionally impactful film is like the equivalent of music for my eyes and heart.

Which other queer people inspire you?

Alok Vaid-Menon's videos, book reports, and talks really validated my views on gender. To say they are brave would be cliche, but I believe they are genuine and true to themselves and their identity and gender expression in a way that may make others uncomfortable, but it frees up space for me to explore my non-binary gender identity in more ways than physical appearance but to engage with it intellectually and emotionally.