How does being queer inform your work?

I approach queer topics specifically from my non-binary gender, guided by the earliest experiences I have with this. this is reflected in my work, I explore the unexplored area of ​​queer identity development in childhood and depict it as a means of discussion and visibility

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

Images of Pink Saturday, the openness at Gay Pride

Which other queer people inspire you?

Especially David Michael Wojnarowicz , who shares large parts of his childhood experiences with me and who by that time dared to show queer ideas, his political activism; Rosa von Praunheim, wh0 remind people of the pink triangle that homosexuals had to wear in Nazi concentration camps. I've been raised in radical right environment in foster care, where sexuality and expression of gender was forcibly punished, and at 23 years old I was raped by police officers right because I am queer- so my mind is on those inspiring people that are brave to fight discrimination and violence against all sexual and gender minorities.