Informed by, but mostly, inspired by research, many of my projects lie in the intersection of analogue and digital, craft and design.

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How does being queer inform your work?

I am interested in queer theory and research in the field of design. My projects are either installations, design solutions, design questions, research or workshops that focus on opening discussions around that

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

The collection of work of Gabriel Ann Maher titled De_Sign

Which other queer people inspire you?

In 2018 I founded a design collective together with my classmates and friends called Corrrective. Our aim is to continue using design tools and methods to work on issues that each of us is interested in: queer theory, decolonization, gender inequality, intersectionality. I very much admire all of their works and intentions, that is why I chose to continue working with them. They are: Alva Skog (illustration), Anoushka Khandwala (writer and graphic designer), Ellen Jonsson (graphic designer), Etta Voorsanger-Brill (graphic designer), Elizabeth Critchlow (g.designer), Emily Rowland (g.designer and photographer).