Elizabeth Goodspeed is a designer and art director who specializes in idea-driven and historically-inspired identity and editorial design.

How does being queer inform your work?

Being queer means being open to challenging norms and forging one's one path; queerness helps me set aside conventional design rules and approach my work with vulnerability and curiosity.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

I am a casual archivist who collects a lot of vintage ephemera, including pieces of queer history. I really love queer tabloids and zines from the 1970s, which are joyfully radical in their design—full of cover, bold typography, and hand-drawn illustration.

Which other queer people inspire you?

Rebecca Brooker, the founder of Queer Design Club, is a big one! She has always welcomed me into this community, even when I worried I wasn't "queer enough" to deserve to take up space. I'm also a big fan of Nat Pyper, whose work around queer typographic history both looks to the significance of the past and the opportunity of the future.