I'm a market-conscious book and brand designer specializing in publishing. I'm agender, asexual, and 16 years with my pangender partner.

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How does being queer inform your work?

My experience of being queer has given me life challenges that forced me to learn compassion and kindness for others, to listen to their concerns and experiences, and consider productive solutions. I use all of those skills when I'm researching and preparing for the design to help clients connect with their audience. I of course also use those skills with the client themselves to make sure our project is the best possible.

What are your favorite pieces of queer visual culture?

Ever since I was a high schooler I was always drawn to Keith Haring. His art caught my eye on its own and his story was one of the first time I saw something positive expressed about the gay community (I lived in a small town in rural America in the 90s and 2000s, so I didn't have much).

Which other queer people inspire you?

Man, so many. Oscar Wilde, Leonardo da Vinci, Barbara Jordan, and every queer person who has stood up for themselves, their community, and every queer person who has stood against the system that seeks to destroy us all! :)